Shadow Chie is a boss in Persona 4. Without time to heal or change your. In the end, he winds up filling. But in those anime the girls in the OP were called plain or ugly at least once by a main character. Available only in New Game Plus, the Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz is an optional, three-part quiz show. ameno sagiri 12/26 midnigh channel 01/01 dojima sleep 01/02 velvet room home sleep 01/03 sleep 01/10 homeFull SP healing items are more common in P4G than ever before. Yu manages to gather his strength to break free from Kunino-sagiri's control, and catches her before she hits the ground. Raises damage of certain elements, while severely diminishing all others. . 2000--Light, Dark--10. Kunino-sagiri will be the toughest boss battle thus far. Ameno-sagiri has the same affinities as Adachi. It was a good showcase of the struggle quiet people have with new people between "Is this a comfortable silence or do they find me boring?". Ameno-Sagiri can be beaten with items that cure silence and timely guarding. He'll use it when his health gets to 50%, and again at 25%. Persona 4 / Golden: Boss Persona. _____Disclaimer_________I do not own the music, all credit to the respective artist. . They, along with Ameno-sagiri are. Persona 3 / FES / Portable Persona 4 / Golden Jotun of Blood appears in the Harabah Block of Tartarus, between floors 181 to 213. Actually Yosuke looks like he has a bit of Adachi in him. Persona 4 / Golden The Envious Giant is a sub-boss, found in the center of the sixth World of Magatsu Mandala within the Midnight Channel. Saki has thick, long, wavy light-brown hair and brown eyes. Kusumi-no-Okami is probably based on the male Japanese god Kusubi, who is more formally known as Kumano-Kusubi (熊野久須毘命) in Kojiki and Kumano-Kusuhi (熊野櫲樟日命) or other variations in Nihon Shoki. OKFortune56 • 7 mo. Makarakarn (マカラカーン, Makarakaan)? is a Support skill. Sraosha is one of the most prominent Yazatas ("worthy of worship"; sometimes translated simply as "angels" though this view is not entirely correct) in the Zoroastrian faith. Which food is the object on the counter in the middle of the Junes food court?3. On a second cycle your awesome personas should make everything up to Kunino-Sagiri a total joke even if you put it on Hard. Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk. it's a really conforting game until you have to fight kunino sagiri and you end up running out of sp when you hit his final phase Reply [deleted] • Additional comment actions. Kondo - P. Yosuke's Masukukaja + Kanj's Masukunda help tremendously as well. i am shelving this. It has two sections, Magatsu Inaba, and Magatsu Mandala (マガツマンダラ, Magatsu Mandara)?. *Talk to the gas attendant, and end the game. Soujou (僧正) in historical East Asian regions is any high ranking Buddhist monk appointed by the government in power, in order to manage all the Buddhist temples and monks within the sovereignty's domain. The second stage, around 75% health, is where it gets tricky. So clutch. When she works at Junes, she wears a long-sleeved white shirt, faded navy jeans, navy sneakers, and an employee apron. Persona 4 Main Character Index The Investigation Team (Yu Narukami | Naoto Shirogane) | Shadows and Personas | Social Links and NPCs | Antagonists (The Killer) The antagonists of Persona 4. Angelic Abomination: Kunino-sagiri is a creature made of the Shadows that absorb into Namatame resembling an angel, based on Namatame's messiah complex. Eventually calmed down by the protagonist, Ai reveals that back in her old home town,. La pelea con Kunino-Sagiri en P4G comienza de manera bastante sencilla, con Kunino-Sagiri usando sus diversos movimientos de daño elemental de alto nivel para tratar de socavar el HP de su equipo. Quad Converge changes what Attribute he takes the most damage from. It's only the daytime section with is longer, though. Q . Guides. Kumino-sagiri. Accepted Answer. She helped stir the oceans on the Bridge of the Heavens, and settled down with Izanagi on Earth on their island Onogoro. Figured I might as well make a thread and see if there are some Shin Megami Tensei fans among us here. CryptoDaisoujou is a demon in the series. I do switch to a persona that repels physical attacks but then my team uses magic that kills me. Persona 4 Golden Gameplay Walkthrough PS4 PS5 Xbox Series X PC Vita No Commentary 2160p 60fps HD let's play playthrough review guide Showcasing all cutscenes. -> The atmosphere reverted After Quad Coverage and Kunino's first attack, Rise will say these lines Fire: Fire will have a greater effect now!Final boss of dungeon Kunino-sagiri Floor 10 Try to be around level 60-62. Persona 4 Golden Kunino-sagiri on Very Hard mode (1st playthrough)This my 2nd favourite boss fight :) It's quite challenging and the boss can kill you off in. Be playing on a New Game+ file. This is the first real mini boss of the game. Notify me about new: Guides. Try to look for the Heat Riser skill, and spam diamond shields and super sonics when your members are controlled. Add this game to my: Favorite Games. Surt (Fire), Loki (Ice), Thor (Elec), Odin (Wind) have the best Elemental moves. One day is still 72 minutes in length in both places. This guy hits like a truck and has a lot of HP, is a good idea make a Persona for each element so you can deal high damage when he uses Quad Converge, just a. Kunino-sagiri. The entire game was extremely easy, but now the sagiri's are giving real challenge. Kunino-sagiri, Ameno-sagiri, and Kusumi-no-Okami were fragments of Izanami that she broke off to monitor Namatame, Adachi, and Yu. With this setup you'll be even more unkillable, able to take massive hits of Almighty damage without breaking a sweat (Screw you Margaret). 0 . Her damage output is equal to Shadow Rise's (terrible). Yeah I just knew that just now ahaha I already salty because I thought that there are only 250 lines and you must get it all. *Get the true ending. advertisement. {"message":"Success","html":" u003Cdiv class=u0022sentinel-listing-page-listu0022u003E u003Cdiv class=u0022display-card. Persona 4 Golden (ペルソナ4ゴールデン) Kunino-sagiri Boss Fight after confronting Namatame's shadow Luxury Hand is a Shadow in the Persona series. Kunino-sagiri (which Izanami later. Persona 4, released outside Japan as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, is a 2008 role-playing video game by Atlus. PERSONA 4 GOLDEN! The time is here for me to play this epic, very well received PS vita game. Golden was adapted into an anime, Persona 4 The Golden. Persona 4 Golden Gameplay (Steam)Ameno-Sagiri Boss FightPersona 4 Golden - All BossesKing is an optional Shadow boss in Persona 4. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Persona to beat. Golden was adapted into an anime, Persona 4 The Golden Animation. Originally released exclusively for the PS Vita, the. Seriously, and with this game's new Golden persona that they added to your teammates by talking to them after they recieved their ultimate persona, it. Reviews. It's a miracle you've even made it to heaven. Hello everyone and welcome to my commentated walkthrough/ let's play of Persona 4 Golden for the Sony Playstation Vita and today, as we reach the top floor o. Mr. Kaya-no-Hime is the Shinto goddess of vegetation, grass and fields. Tried grinding on hands lvl 9 heaven floor - doesn't work, they usually escape just before final blow and to infrequent (5 tries, 2 hands). But the combat is WAAAY to rng based. This prompts Yu to notice the ring she had given him, giving him the strength to resist Kunino-sagiri's control long enough for Tomoe and Take-Mikazuchi to disable the Devil Persona. He is available for fusion in Persona 4 Golden. I'm at lv. Its pretty easy, but you should try to be around level 18-20. it specializes in the Electric element and Physical. True, aside from One Piece you don't see ugly female characters often. They are also commanded as troops by the gods of yogi. Kunino-Sagiri. . afriendofnayru 13 years ago #1. Making pretty much the above with one small change. Q. They will be the subject of one of Elizabeth's requests. . To stay on topic, @grantheaslip , since they reduced the SP cost of a bunch of Naoto's spells in Golden my short answer is (depending on the rest of your team) yes, yes she is game breaking. this is the second time im asking this because no one answered last time so if you know the recipe please tell < >Kunino-sagiri just moments before the battle commences. Every person listed here is a Walking Spoiler. Old Lady Shiroku is the proprietor of the Shiroku Store in Persona 4. Matarukaja raises for the whole team. Never. Spoilers. Stage One: Outright Damage. I've been stuck on this mother fucker for a good 3 months now. I was waaay underleveled. They, along with Kunino-sagiri, are children of Ohoyamatsumi and Kaya-no-Hime (themselves children of Izanagi and Izanami). An enhanced version of 2008's Persona 4, Atlus's Persona 4 Golden is a turn-based JRPG that blends dungeon crawling with social sim mechanics. I do tend to try my best to stay around. After. . The Shadow Jesus Hippie always gave me the creeps even in the game. The port adds a variety of new content and convenience features to update the original game, extending its replay value. Yu was nine years old. You'll want personas that resist all main elements + physical damage for the later phases. She has a human form, goddess form, and monstrous form. One of the mini-games in Persona 4 Golden can be found in TV Listings, and it is the Miracle Quiz. At the beginning of the story, the Konishi family experiences tragedy due to the sudden murder of Saki. Much like Shadow Naoto, this boss has access to a wide range of elemental attacks, along with a very powerful almighty attack that will immediately down under-leveled team members. Quick Links Kunino. I think Isaki is the only girl that's canonically fat for spoiler reasons. "Time To Make History" is a battle theme for Persona 4 Golden. Tried grinding on hands lvl 9 heaven floor - doesn't work, they usually escape just before final blow and to infrequent (5 tries, 2 hands). Will we be able to help poor sweet Nanako in time?Persona 4 Golden is a JRPG made by ATLUS. Ameno sagiri: Debuff, attack, heal. On the second last hit I got knocked down to 2 hp and I was ready to die and have to grind but Rise came in healed me and I survived Kunino-Sagiri's hit with barley any health. Download Link: Kusumi-no-Okami; M Magatsu-Izanagi; Margaret; Marie; R Reaper (Persona) S Shadow Chie; Shadow Kanji; Shadow Mitsuo; Shadow Naoto; Shadow Rise; Shadow Teddie; Shadow Yosuke; Shadow Yukiko; T Tohru Adachi; Categories Categories: Persona 4 Bosses; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise. Makarakarn is great against Kunino-Sagiri but can be safely discarded afterwards. After you figure out what element he's using with Quad converge, switch to a persona that deals in that element, as it'll do increased damage to him as well. After you figure out what element he's using with Quad converge, switch to a persona that deals in that element, as it'll do increased damage to him as well. CRtwenty 9 years ago #5. He has no weaknesses and can do all of the ele. Voice actors: Johnny Yong Bosch (English), Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese) Stage actors: Toru Baba ( VisuaLive and VisuaLive Evolution ), Keisuke Minami ( Arena) The main protagonist who can be named by the player at the beginning. Like and Subscribe!Become a Member: Stream: is an easily exploitable reaction, as you can stop Kunino-Sagiri from attacking until it reaches the threshold below; At 70-60% HP, it will use Quad Converge, amplifying one element and reducing the damage dealt by all others. Persona 4 is a stand-out game from Atlus’ repertoire. Anime and Manga - Other Titles. Persona 4 Golden Boss done on "Very Hard". I remember having a bit of trouble with Kunino-Sagiri too. Fog monsters. She is a popular idol who returns to Inaba for a brief hiatus. The show is produced by A-1 Pictures, one of. whiteclad57 • 9 yr. You'll probably want Yosuke as your third party member. When Ameno-sagiri was defeated, the fog covering your town was no longer needed. Ameno-sagiri, also known as Ame-no-sagiri-no-kami (天之狭霧神), is the Japanese spirit of fog, representing the heavens, that was mentioned in Kojiki. Second Form:Ameno will hidden himself in a fog, (don't try atack,will miss)and will buff himself,in more or less 3 Turns,in this time just heal your party, (if. September 16th, Friday. Shadow Namatame/Kunino-sagiri is the boss of the seventh dungeon, Heaven, in the TV World in Persona 4 Golden. Hello everyone and welcome to my commentated walkthrough/ let's play of Persona 4 Golden for the Sony Playstation Vita and today, as we reach the top floor o. Chaos_Missile posted. Ameno-sagiri and Kunino-sagiri. Feeling cornered at the peak of Heaven, Namatame takes in a legion of s. So, I'm whittling down Kunino Sagiri to the point where it is using Control on my entire party. whiteLion64 12 years ago #1. From that day, you’ll be able to talk to. Black frost isn't bad, but surely there's something better. Mulsqi. Once a city council secretary, his affair with announcer Mayumi Yamano began a chain of important events. Mr. " —The Attendant guiding Nanako to the toilet. Yukiko told Konohana Sakuya to hit Kunino-Sagiri with an Agidyne as she tossed Yu a bottle of soda from her bag, which he opened up and drank about half of before dropping it as the creature in front of them let out a sudden squeal. bond007106 8 years ago #1. How many are there? Four. Then, when the tables are turned, Yu creates a Persona that's so strong it barely flinches from his allies' attacks, and instantly destroys the mind control Kunino-Sagiri put on them. Home Games By Renri Seong Published 3 days agoShadow Namatame can be a difficulty spike for newcomers to Persona 4 Golden, so here are some things players will want to keep in mind. Golden was adapted into an anime, Persona 4 The Golden Animation. World Balance is a Shadow in the Persona series. 10 Adachi; 3. Persona 4 Golden In order to unlock this activity, the protagonist must first talk to the boy found at the Tatsuhime Shrine in who lost a bug net. Since Heaven is one of the last dungeons in P4G, players should have a large number of Personas as well as a large number of social links. Using Makarakarn or Tetrakarn will force Kunino-Sagiri to use Spirit or Life Leech, respectively, and then eliminate your barriers with Makara or Tetra Break. The bond with Nanako allows Yu to summon the ultimate Justice Persona, Sraosha. Ameno-sagiri Strategy. Mr. 0 coins. The amplified element will be the only one cast by Kunino-Sagiri. When he does this, the character will randomly use one of their skills against your party. Step 1: Hierophant Anzu (Lv20: Auto-Sukukaja) + Temperance Apsaras/Sylph = Magician Jack Frost (Auto-Sukukaja) Step 2: Magician Pyro Jack + Magician Jack Frost (Auto-Sukukaja) + Emperor King Frost + Magician Pixie + Death Ghoul. . Margaret will be there and. Even on Very Easy you're going to struggle to overcome a 20-level deficit. The battle is so epic it will have to span two parts!Persona 4 Golden i. . Having a Persona that resists the elements your party members use will make the fight. 100% compendium and quests, all social links completed, walkthrough with commentary. Alternate Method: Step 1. Can handiest be finished after 7/10. a) For a vehicle only reservation, we charge only a reservation fee. Persona 4 The Animation / Golden Animation: Minor Character Persona 4 Golden: Mentioned Aika is a short girl, having pale skin, brown eyes and navy blue hair. 7 Kunino-Sagiri Has An Array Of Tricky Moves (Persona 4) Created from Taro Namatame after being consumed by a swarm of shadows, Kunino-sagiri is a surreal and deadly boss fight, especially for an unprepared player. Tarunda + Marakukaja will help boost survability. Nametame also does not have a persona, he failed Izanami comments on it. Ameno-sagiri . Ameno-sagiri has Tarukaja, Rakukaja and Sukukaja to boost its own. What was it? A: Runaway Express Train Q: To attract customers for the group date café, you pretended to be customers. The encounter starts off difficult enough, with the boss frequently stripping the entire party of buffs, and later phases only. It is the second track of the Persona 4 The Golden Original Soundtrack, composed and arranged by Shoji Meguro with lyrics by Benjamin Franklin; performed by Shihoko Hirata. On the day the first murder occurs in Golden, a pair of NPCs can be found right outside the Dojima house. A skill exclusive to the Persona series. At that Hp level, he should not use his Quad coverage anymore, so have the last party member go all out on. If the MC maxes his Social Link (without taking the Accomplice Ending), Adachi will support him during the final boss fight, implying that Adachi still considers him a friend, despite all that has happened. At first, Kunino-Sagiri takes control of Yu, forcing him to effortlessly fight the rest of the Investigation Team and almost beating them. Notify me about new: Guides. . Also their shadows do not appear, in the case of Nametame P4G actually makes this extremely obvious since Kunino-sagiri is not his shadow. Share Download Video Tarunda + Marakukaja will help boost survability. As stated in the title, spoilers of the WHOLE game below. Topic Archived. Unfortunately, it's a very expensive way to restore SP; but the higher your social link with the fox, the. Finishing the finals of this quiz also unlocks the achievement "A New Quiz King". When Susano-o was saying farewell to Amaterasu, the two gods were. Shin Megami Tensei. Voiced by (English): Johnny Yong Bosch Voiced by (Japanese): Daisuke Namikawa The protagonist is the main player-controlled character of Persona 4. Just buff with Chie, heal with Yukiko, and deal damage with your main character and Naoto. It also has an Almighty Damage type that is the most superior and does the greatest. The game won't give you a chance to heal or revive SP so you'll start the fight with whatever you had after Adachi. How do I beat (Kuni No Sagiri)? Persona 4 Golden PlayStation Vita . I mastered all the titles I had on hand but didn't understand the game enough to get more. Persona 4 Golden, abbreviated as P4G, and also titled Persona 4: The Golden in Japan, is an enhanced re-release of Persona 4, which launched for the PlayStation Vita. Bosses in Bold are the main bosses of that dungeon that must be completed to advance the story. Some. Also, her boss has a ton of health, 2500 health (1000 in Vanilla but stronger attacks) specifically. Considering that Paradise is just one of the last dungeons in P4G,. When i fight ameno, i run out of sp, then die since i lost all my sp recovery items in the kunino fight. 30 * 4 = 120 days year. Link run) Shadow Rise/Teddie- 35 Shadow Mitsuo- 48 Shadow Naoto- 61 Kunino-Sagiri- 74 Ameno-Sagiri- 83 Marie- 91 Izanami- 96 Power-leveled between Mituso and Naoto on Golden Hands. She is a first-year student at Yasogami High School. The date was pretty great. They will be the subject of one of Elizabeth's requests. Izanami-no-Okami (the villain Izanami) 3. Should just kill the gold hands for easy experience. If you have two people able to reverse that's even better. 8500HP Level 65 Phys ー / Fire ー / Ice ー / Elec ー / Wind ー / Light Null / Dark Null. World Balance is a Shadow in the Persona series. Kunino-sagiri's boss theme is title "A New World Fool". . Ameno Sagiri Guide. The entire game was extremely easy, but now the sagiri's are giving real challenge. Unlike previous rare Shadows, the. When you take off a bit of his health, things will get a whole lot more complicated. After you beat Adachi, the boss doesn't need the fog to envelop the world anymore. Using Makarakarn or Tetrakarn will force Kunino-Sagiri to use Spirit or Life Leech, respectively, and then eliminate your barriers with Makara or Tetra Break. Much like Shadow Naoto, this boss has access to a wide range of elemental attacks, along with a very powerful almighty attack that will immediately down under-leveled team members. Kunino-sagiri is not Namatame's Shadow Self, but another aspect of Izanami like Ameno-sagiri. This is an easily exploitable reaction, as you can stop Kunino-Sagiri from attacking until it reaches the threshold below;Kunino-Sagiri: Control: Control 1-3 foes: Kunino-Sagiri: Unerring Justice: Massive Almighty damage to all foes: Kunino-Sagiri: Nebula Oculus: Heavy Almighty damage to all foes: Ameno-Sagiri: Quake: Heavy Almighty damage to all foes, chance of Down: Ameno-Sagiri: Bewildering Fog: All foes will always miss attacks until move is. On June 13, 2020, the game was released on. Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox Series X Xbox One. It is the Shadow Self of Chie Satonaka. Marakukaja is ESSENTIAL to sur. The fight with Kunino-Sagiri in P4G begins straightforwardly enough, with Kunino-Sagiri using its various heavy-level elemental damage moves to try to chip away at your. He is fought after the Shadow Rise boss battle. She previous seemed to have convinced herself that he wasn't interested in her, after all. You'll want personas that resist all main elements + physical damage for the later phases. This is an easily exploitable reaction, as you can stop Kunino-Sagiri from attacking until it reaches the threshold below; At 70-60% HP, it will use Quad Converge, amplifying one element and reducing the damage dealt by all others. The Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz is a quiz show found in the "TV Listings" section of the main menu. Ameno Sagiri and Kunino Sagiri, or more accurately - Ame no sagiri and Kuni no Sagiri are two of the late game bosses from Persona 4 that people have a lot of. 11 Ameno-sagiri; 3. Yosuke dropped his kunai to the floor with a thunk, his knees hitting the tile. There is one line for fire, ice, electricity, and wind elements, if boss. E. I enjoy the characters and the story and the social links, all that stuff. pac Ameno-sagiri em10b. But first I want to cover my understanding of the lore so any lore masters can correct me if I’m getting thing wrong. PERSONA 4 GOLDEN! The time is here for me to play this epic, very well received PS vita game. Increases on December 5th (12/05) after properly identifying the true culprit and not covering for him. If it knocks down an ally, it will. "I'm going to save her! Don't interfere!" "Save her! I'm going to save her!" and "Don't get in my way!" To be fair, Izanami did mention that Namatame's power didn't "evolve" or something like that, when compared to Adachi and the MC, so maybe his Sagiri is similarly weak. Their sole attack is Megidolaon. and English Teacher. He was created as part of the Kamiumi, an account of the birth of the Shinto gods, in its earlier phase prior to the death of Izanami by Kagutsuchi. With only 4k left you should probably just stock up on healing items before fighting. Each floor of the dungeon is aptly named Paradise, from the first - 1st Paradise - up to its top floor - 10th Paradise. . Weapons: Longswords. Persona: Izanagi, Izanagi-no-Okami, Wild Card. See moreThe fight with Kunino-Sagiri in P4G begins straightforwardly enough, with Kunino-Sagiri using its various heavy-level elemental damage moves to try to chip. Otherwise, have that member attack or use healing items. This guide gives you all the answers for the Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz found in the TV Listing. . What was the name of the skill Shadow Rise used? Supreme Insight. Phase 2, he'll abandon Makara Break and start relying on his Ma-dyne spells. Zillow has 23383 homes for sale in British Columbia. Online Reservation Fees. A humble Slime comes with Resist, or you could level up an Abaddon, it blocks Ice, resists Fire, is only weak to Light (not a problem in this fight), and gets Null Physical at level 62. They kinda gave u hints about her during the trip to the school from P3 when the teacher explained about Izanagi and Izanami origins . Yu manages to gather his strength to break free. . Between Marie(P4G) & “Kasumi”(P5R) who do you think was implemented better. Kunino-sagiri can use the third tier elemental Skills (Agidyne, Bufudyne, Garudyne, Ziodyne) as well as their multi-target versions. The recommended level is 13-15, which can be very hard to get to in one day. P4G Anime P4 Manga PQ Also known as. In the second part we continue our fight against Shadow Namatame. Persona 4 Golden #126 O Salvador (BOSS - Kunino-Sagiri)Gameplay comentado em PT-BR, por BDdestructor. Because of this, spend time collecting SP. Regardless of the circumstances, the anime seems to hype up the PS Vita game P4G (Persona 4 the Golden). The Atoner: He initially promises to "save" people from the Killer in memory of his dead lover, Mayumi, but his actions wind up doing far more harm than good. This is a boss fight where the. Open School BC helps teachers. Never . In Kitakami, it's 3 minutes and 33 minutes. It's sort of a meaningless distinction, though, see as there are no pokemon which can only be found in the morning. The protagonist first meets Naoki during his "volunteer" work for the student health association. You can do this after you beat Kunino-Sagiri Thanks i figured that was the earliest, i thought maybe letting some people die in the Tv might have gotten me there, but that was a failure. Persona 4. What you want to watch out for is the insanely versatile elemental coverage that she has. When i fight ameno, i run out of sp, then die since i lost all my sp recovery items in the kunino fight. The dungeon becomes available on 11/6, and you have until 11/20 to complete it. Persona 4 / Golden: Boss Persona 4 The Animation: Minor Antagonist Persona 4 (Manga) Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Playable Character Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (Manga) Shadow Rise was created from Rise Kujikawa's dark feelings about not being able to identify her "true self. There is still something you're missing. Kunino-Sagiri: Control: Control 1-3 foes: Kunino-Sagiri: Unerring Justice: Massive Almighty damage to all foes: Kunino-Sagiri: Nebula Oculus: Heavy Almighty damage to all foes: Ameno-Sagiri: Quake: Heavy Almighty damage to all foes, chance of Down: Ameno-Sagiri: Bewildering Fog: All foes will always miss attacks until move is used again: Ameno. What skills have attack up, defense up, hit/evasion up. When the Sagiri are defeated, they return to their original body, Marie, granting her the power she wields as Kusumi no Okami. Required Level: 38. . During this time, they will drop Gold Medals until the quest is. Never try and piece together bits at random, even if there is a nice clump close together, as. . Guarding whenever the boss changes attacks is key. "Maragidyne!" A circle of explosive flames went around him and the team, melting the ice holding him down. eidolon24 9 years ago #3. -> The atmosphere reverted After Quad Coverage and Kunino's first attack, Rise will say these lines Fire: Fire will have a greater effect now!There's ~330 something lines, you can make up for the handful of missed lines through fighting Margaret or stalling for Kunino-sagiri's brainwash lines. 5. Kunino-sagiri himself is level 65. Persona 4 Golden, abbreviated as P4G, and also titled Persona 4: The Golden in Japan, is an enhanced re-release of Persona 4, which launched for the PlayStation Vita. Persona 4 Golden Kunino-sagiri on Very Hard mode (1st playthrough) This my 2nd favourite boss fight :) It's quite challenging and the boss can kill you off in 1 hit if. This is an easily exploitable reaction, as you can stop Kunino-Sagiri from attacking until it reaches the threshold below;Amorous Snake is a Shadow in the Persona series. ; After. Marie is the original Izanami. Ok. For me : 10) Reaper 9) Golden Hand 8) Shadow Kanji 7) Shadow Yukiko 6) Kunino-sagiri 5) Margaret 4) Izanami 3) Marie 2) Ameno-sagiri Kusumi-no-Okami. pac Nice. bond007106 posted. #persona #persona4golden #kunino-sagiriKunino-sagiri is a result of many Shadows merging with Taro Namatame, the initial suspect of the murders and kidnappin. Hard mode. Welcome to the Cubed3 forums! Join us today - it takes just 20 seconds to start posting! Sign Up for Free Account LoginThis is a list of all bosses (sorted by Midnight Channel dungeon) in Persona 4. He welcomes the protagonist to the city upon his first day in Yasoinaba, offers him a part time job at the gas. the first 25% of its health is kinda normal and easy after that he would use a skill called quad converge. This is a Light-based attack that reduces your health by 50%. Design. The amplified element will be the only one cast by Kunino-Sagiri. The Investigation. Dungeons And Boss Battle Walkthroughs. Marie (Something Sagiri #3): Use a break or the break items they give you all throughout the dungeon. As long as you're a decent level not much trouble. ago. Thus,. I beat P4G a month ago and still don't understand how these are all the same entity. When the Sagiri are defeated, they return to their original body, Marie, granting her the power she wields as Kusumi no Okami. Persona 4 was released in Japan in July 2008, North America in December 2008,. Give me a while, and I can try typing them up for you. Kunino-sagiri (国之狭霧神, Kuninosagirinokami)? is the Japanese spirit of fog, representing the land, as mentioned in the Kojiki. If, even with Tarunda and Marakukaja you can't. dragon is gone question. Some people are just like that, especially on the internet. Se gostou deixa um like e favorita para ajudar na divulg. He was first summoned during the battle against Kunino-sagiri to protect Yu from fire attacks. OKFortune56 • 7 mo. Dungeons And Boss Battle Walkthroughs. He used a Diamond Shield on himself and dropped into a defensive stance. Heaven - Kunino-sagiri: This is a tricky one, when he's at about 75% hp he will start using Quad Coverage, which changes the field so that 3/4 elemental types get weakened, making the 4th more powerful. You can find it by watching Inaba Public Access (Channel Three) on television during a NG+ run of Persona 4 Golden. It's Takagi-san for masochists. And you just had another fight. Persona 4, released outside Japan as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, is a 2008 role-playing video game by Atlus. I fought this boss at 60, tried doing the boss at earlier levels and kept dying around halfway through his HP. -> The atmosphere reverted After Quad Coverage and Kunino's first attack, Rise will say these lines Fire: Fire will have a greater effect now!Kunino-sagiri and Ameno-sagiri were those. 500--Phys, Light, Dark. I thought it was genius. Carnif3xAng3L 6 years ago #6. Guides. In his case, his desire to save Nanako and the wild frenzy state he is makes him vulnerable to be manipulated by Kunino Sagiri, he most likely has a Persona, but he wasn't able to awaken it because of his delusional state. It can cast a number of elemental (and non-elemental Almighty) damage to the entire party. Consider using Teddie as your healer and Yukiko as a pure damage caster. pac Izanami-no-Okami em10f. Vehicle reservation. Yes, I meant for cutscenes exactly. *Battle all the optional bosses. . The player will always begin the battle with full HP and SP, no matter what their previous condition was. Kunino-sagiri comes before Ameno-sagiri, but it can be trickier to navigate. Otherwise, have that member attack or use healing items. Persona 3 / FES / Portable Persona 4 / Golden Hallowed Turret appears throughout the Monad Depths within Tartarus. Players restart to around level 60 before attempting Persona 4 Golden’s Kunino-sagiri. It lets him bring one of your characters to his side, enabling control over them. Mitsuro the Hero Item -> Enervation Shadow Mitsuo Stagnant Air -> Evil Touch + Evil Smile, Ghastly Wail 3) Kunino-sagiri Quad Converge (After 1/3 HP loss, 2/3 left) -> The atmosphere changed. NG+ boss Margaret Floor 10 Theirs a good reason only around 1% of the players on steam have beaten this boss. When Susano-o was.